
Health and Safety Policy Statement

This is the heath and safety policy statement of;

MAWDSLEYS BER ltd, Unit C2, Kingsland Trading Estate, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 OJZ

Herein referred to as MAWDSLEYS BER

Our health and safety policy statement prepared after due consultation with those involved in its development, has the backing and authority of the Directors and is reviewed annually and updated as required by legislation or other changes.

General Statement 

It is our intention to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Management of Heath and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and all relevant legislation which affect our operations. Our aim is to perform work in the safest practicable manner, consistent with legislation and good practice.

We recognise our responsibility as Directors to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our employees and those likely to be affected by our work. As a priority it ranks equally alongside our business objectives and therefore adequate resources will be made available to ensure the success of this policy.

We will identify workplace hazards and develop safe systems of work and do everything reasonably practicable to prevent injury and ill health by controlling the risks from our work activities.

Whilst we will consult with employees over matters concerning health, safety and welfare, it is the duty of each employee to exercise personal responsibility for their own safety and for that of other and co-operate with us in matters of health, safety and welfare.

MAWDSLEYS BER will provide and maintain safe plant and work equipment and ensure that safe handling, storage, transportation and use of hazardous substances.

MAWDSLEYS BER will provide adequate information, instruction and supervision and where appropriate, training to ensure the competence of all employees and any Sub-Contractors.

All employees are to be aware that in the event of any conflict between the demand of business and safety, they will receive management support if they reasonable choose the safety of employees of third parties as a priority.

The attention of all employees and any Sub-Contractors is directed to the health and safety policy.

Any revisions to the policy will be incorporated when necessary and these will be brought to the attention of all employees.

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